My sister and I look a lot alike but have very different personalities. The same can be said about my sons. I find it fascinating that individuals from the same gene pool and upbringing can be so very different.
At our older son's baseball game last night, my husband was noting how timid our older one is and how that is soooo not so about the younger one. Alex, the 9yr old, is a worrier. He is also extremely gentle and patient. He has always been empathetic and nurturing. Of course I get blamed for his "wussiness" but I think I also gave him his loving, sweet nature along with the bad.
In contrast, Ryan, the 6yr old, is a do it first, think about it later kind of kid. He has fears but they usually strike him after the fact. For instance, he went on some pretty scary rides when we went to Disney the last time and they did scare him until he got off the ride and had some time to process what he had just experienced.
Ryan is sweet also but he is more likely to say a mean thing or lash out than his brother. He is also more competitive and aggressive though which tend to be considered good traits in boys. Alex isn't timid because of not being bright, quite the opposite. He lives in his head and thinks himself out of things. I can definitely see myself in him in that respect.
My dad is one who doesn't care to do anything that he isn't good at the first time he does it. I have the same tendency and so does Alex. I know I have to fight that in my own nature and help him to do the same. It is difficult to take yourself out of your comfort zone. It is especially difficult when you feel you are being compared to a sibling who is at ease with the very things you feel you are lousy at. I know that happened with my own upbringing and I think that is what is happening with my sons.
Is it our behaviour that our child picks up on or is it something in the genes? I tend to think it is genetic since I have seen the differences from so early on in my sons. Maybe that is just wishful thinking though. I certainly hope I haven't taught my son to be "wussy". I can't think of what I did differently with the first than the second though.
The other more obvious genetic influence is physical. What is strange is Alex looks more like me but acts like and has the body language of his father. Ryan looks just like his dad but I'm not sure who he acts like. He is an extremely social kid and is a leader. I do know that his big brother is the world to him. Noone can make him happier or sadder than Alex.
I can't wait to see the affects of genetics on our baby girl. There are no other Wardell girls to compare her to. If she is anything like her brothers, she'll be cute and smart and spirited. She will be her own little person but her mom and dad will be in there in ways that we are yet to see.