I caught a Faith Hill and Tim McGraw video on TV while flicking channels and couldn't help thinking "Why on Earth should two people be so beautiful and talented?!" They make singing look effortless. They make the simple act of walking look like something I simply can't do.
There are so many things I hate about my body. Many are from my own doing but many are from genetic "gifts". I have pale skin that simply doesn't tan. Freckling and burning are the only things I can do with my skin.
I have vericose and spider veins and get wonderful stretch marks. I'm knock-kneed, I have a funky looking nose, etc. I've had treatment for the veins but keep getting new ones. I am too scared to ever do anything to my nose. I don't know anything you can do about having your knees touch.
I don't know what part of people like Faith Hill comes from genetics vs things they have done on their own merits. I tend to believe they were born with an awful lot of talent. Singing, for instance, is something that you have to have some talent at to become exceptional. Sure, you can take lessons and learn but that only gets you so far. Just like people can diet and exercise like crazy and still have no control over the basic build of their body.
I can't really complain. I appreciate the fact that I am healthy. I wasn't born with any abnormalities or disabilities to overcome. I just can't help but be a little jealous of the beautiful people though.