The adventures of Mommy woman
Scientology advice leads to death
Published on March 23, 2006 By JillUser In Current Events

I think we are all familiar with Tom Cruise's advice to Brooke Shields regarding post partum depression.  Apparantly scientologists believe that psychiatry is a plot by aliens to control our minds with drugs.  Mr. Cruise has declared himself an expert on the subject.  I personally believe he himself is insane.

Well, apparently a counselor of the church and her scientologist son took the advice to heart and treated the son's psychosis with vitamins and exercise rather than seeking psychiatric treatment.  The son in turn stabbed his mom to death.  Seems the vitamins didn't help his alleged mental illness but perhaps gave him plenty of strength for stabbing away at his imagined demons.

I will be interested to see if Mr. Cruise has any comment on the matter (he doesn't thus far).  I personally will avoid taking advice from any group who believes we are being controlled (or attemptime to be) by aliens.  Strangely I have heard Mr. Cruise state that he won't believe in aliens until he sees one for himself.  For someone who makes everyone he works with tour his church, he doesn't seem to have a firm grip on his religion's foundation.  Or maybe he does and tries to make it more palatable to the masses.  He is an actor after all so who knows what is going on in the mind of the real Mr. Cruise.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 23, 2006
I just find it funny the you shouldn't use drugs for mental illness and that drugs cloud your judgment when L Ron Hubbard came up witht eh whole thinkg while on a month long drug binge and was so baked he probably would have taken a cartoon for reality.
on Mar 23, 2006
I just find it funny that you shouldn't use drugs for mental illness and that drugs cloud your judgment when L Ron Hubbard came up with the whole thing while on a month long drug binge and was so baked he probably would have taken a cartoon for reality.
on Mar 23, 2006
I have no problem with people making decisions for themselves to not seek medical treatment, but the second you deny a child from potentially life-preserving treatment, you had better get out of my way.

You go BlueDev! I couldn't agree more. But I also think that you have the obligation to seek medical health if an infant or child is in your care. I happen to think that Brook shields did what was best for her entire family.
on Mar 23, 2006

It's dangerous and pathetic when a person with celebrity status uses that to promote their own uneducated and prejudiced views. 

The boy I dated in high school graduated, was in the army,  and married and had two daughters.  At some point in time he developed, or maybe already was a schizophrenic.  He murdered one of his two daughters and tried to kill his wife as well.  His illness was diagnosed, to the best of my knowledge,  AFTER the murder and attempted murder.

He served 14 years in a mental hospital and is now out,  though he doesn't want to be out, and on shots. 

It's a shame there's so much stigma to mental illness.  The statistics are overwhelming for number of Americans with mental disease. 

Cruise needs to take care of his own life and stay out of the media with his views, at least until he's educated and can do some good for people.

on Mar 23, 2006
P.S.  great article Jill!
on Mar 23, 2006
Cruise needs to take care of his own life and stay out of the media with his views, at least until he's educated and can do some good for people.

Ah, see the problem is that he thinks that he is not only educated, but more educated than others (outside of scientology). He feels it is his duty to educate us. I think he truly believes he is doing good. That is what scares me the most.
on Mar 23, 2006
P.S. great article Jill!

Thanks Trudy! And thank you for sharing your story. It just goes to show how dangerous and real mental illness is. Psychosis can be caused by very real medical conditions other than chemical imbalance also. For instance, we have a friend who has a tumor in her brain. The tumor caused her to hallucinate and she ended up standing in the middle of a busy highway one night. No vitamin or exercise is going to help a brain tumor.
on Mar 23, 2006
I have read up on scientology once. It's a nut-house there. It's amazing unhealthy.

I have read the website by a ex-member of scientology and it's truly scary. Members must pay for each service rendered, for example.
on Mar 23, 2006

Apparantly scientologists believe that psychiatry is a plot by aliens to control our minds with drugs.

I thought Scientology was a plot by aliens to control our minds?

If only their "holy" literature was publicly available for everyone to read. That's, in my opinion, the difference between a religion and a corporation.
on Mar 23, 2006

Tom Cruise made a valid point that much mental illness could be treated through diet and exercise.

No. _Doctors_ make valid points about how illness could be treated. Actors make valid points about how Hamlet is supposed to say his lines.

on Mar 23, 2006

No. _Doctors_ make valid points about how illness could be treated. Actors make valid points about how Hamlet is supposed to say his lines.

Good point!

on Mar 23, 2006
so when does John travolta get his flying saucer license?
on Mar 23, 2006
I thought Scientology was a plot by aliens to control our minds?

Actually, according to scientology, we are supposed to have audits that tell us about the galactic encounters we have already had in our travels between universes. We will then use scientology methods to treat those traumas we suffered in our previous encounters.

No. _Doctors_ make valid points about how illness could be treated. Actors make valid points about how Hamlet is supposed to say his lines.

Excellent point although I would trust Cruise's opinion on Hamlet either

so when does John travolta get his flying saucer license?

Does he need one?
on Mar 23, 2006
Tom cruise is a joke... just like scientology... i got no respect for him after that interview... he looked like a total jackass tring to act smart... should deport him to bahrian!
on Mar 23, 2006

I really don't know much about scientology other than it's a matter-of-fact way of looking at life. As far as aliens go... I doubt that's a foundation of scientology apart from some of the weirdos who might believe it


You don't know much about it, yet you doubt that aliens are a fundamental part of it?

Aliens are a HUGE part of it.  HUGE. 

You're obviously very emotional about this, as I was just trying to see both sides. So I'll beg out now as I have no interest in scientology, murderers or aliens, so I'll just go back to my life now.

No, you pretty much told her she was wrong.  She told you otherwise, and now you say she's emotional?  

I'm going to leave this conversation now before I say something I'll regret.

As for scientology - it's insanity masquerading as a religion, and I pity Katie Holmes.


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