The adventures of Mommy woman
How God Makes People
Published on February 23, 2006 By JillUser In Home & Family
My 5yr old is such a sweetie. We were talking the other day about where things come from and why. He knows that mommy has a baby growing in her tummy. He believes in God and that God made everything.

He asked me "Do you know how God makes people?" I told him I really didn't but asked what he thought. He said "I think maybe the Tooth Fairy takes our teeth to God and he uses them to make new people when somebody dies."

I thought that was a clever and imaginitive theory that I had never heard before. Isn't that sweet?!

on Feb 23, 2006
So cute!

Don't you just love the way little kids view the world and work things out in their heads?

My oldest (8) has been thinking about that stuff too. He has a very religious kid in his class who told him that God puts babies in mommys' tummies. My son believes in God, but he was so frustrated because he KNOWS (in kid-friendly summary, anyways) how babies are made. Hehe.

He wanted to set the other kid straight, but I told him to let the other kid believe whatever he wanted to believe.
on Feb 24, 2006

My daughter is a capitalist.  She recently lost a tooth and put a note with it to the tooth fairy so that the tooth fairy would leave her more money.  It said "I love you" on the note.  Now, how can you *not* reward that?  LOL  I guess she got the results she wanted.

My daughter comes up with all sorts of crazy ways that things "work".  I wish I could remember some of them right now...but it's friday and my brain quit working yesterday.

on Feb 24, 2006
That's an awesome theory! I love little kids who theorize and come up with ideas about how things work. It's all so simple to them, y'know? They don't tie themselves up in knots over 'what if's'....they're unknowingly using Ockham's razor and I think that's incredibly cool!
on Feb 24, 2006
He wanted to set the other kid straight, but I told him to let the other kid believe whatever he wanted to believe.

Sounds like things we have experienced with our 9yr old. He is quite a wise kid. He once told me that he thinks people believe 'silly things' just because they want to. I got the impression he might have been referring to himself in regards to Santa.

My daughter is a capitalist. She recently lost a tooth and put a note with it to the tooth fairy so that the tooth fairy would leave her more money. It said "I love you" on the note.

Our 5yr old always declares his love for Santa on Christmas Eve just to be safe

It's all so simple to them, y'know? They don't tie themselves up in knots over 'what if's'....

So true! It is amazing sometimes how their simplistic view uncovers things that we adults had been overlooking.