I think everyone who doesn't consider themselves christian has gotten accused of being antichristian at one time or another. I have gotten accused many times. Ironically the accusers are people with some sort of martyr complex who assume that they will be persecuted for being christian. They take issue with me in anticipation of my taking issue with them.
I am not denying that there are plenty of people on the planet who actually are antichristian. I just find it odd when I or some of the kindest people I know have been labeled as such. It isn't a 'you're either with me or against me' subject.
I am also perplexed as to why so many christians can't fathom anyone believing in God without believing Jesus is his son. I can understand why they can believe in Jesus not because it makes sense to me but because I am open minded and realize that other people have different experiences in life than what I have experienced in my own. Those experiences help form how we see the world and how we fit in it. If you see only your path, your way as being the only way, then you are not open minded.