The adventures of Mommy woman
Fema under investigation for awarding funds to frauds
Published on February 10, 2006 By JillUser In Politics

FEMA is under investigation for not having verified information before awarding emergency funds to claimants.  It bothers me deeply that the agency was so sloppy but it bothers me more that so many scumbags stole money from truly needy people during a time of absolute disaster.  It just shows the absolute absence of respect for others and the absence of self respect and pride.

My grandparents came from the great depression.  They believed in taking care of their own and would do anything they could to avoid taking charity.  They were prideful people.  People who didn't hate others for having more and weren't ashamed that they had little.  They were proud to make do with what they had.  What has happened to society's mentality since that generation?

These scumbags took advantage of the fact that this agency was trying to expedite money to people who had lost everything.  They used fake social security numbers to obtain thousands of dollars.  People were given cards worth $2000.  Isn't that enough?!  $2000 can get a lot of people through until things start improving.  But no.  These scumbags saw the opportunity to steal food out of devastated fellow Americans' mouths in the name of their own greed.

I think one of our most important issues with society today that has lead to this sort of abuse is the mentality that "the government" is an entity of its own.  I don't know how many times I have heard welfare recipients refer to what the government owes them.  Guess what, I'm the government, you're the government, everyone around that person is the government.  "The gov'ment" isn't some magical being that prints up cash.  That money comes out of the pockets of other Americans.  Why aren't we slapping people in the face with this fact?!

This just makes me sick.

on Feb 11, 2006
True. The government is composed of people, and makes NO money at all. It just gets money from us the people and uses it for many things such as roads, armies, and bad events recovery.

Steal from government, and you steal from everyone who paid taxes, including yourself.
on Feb 11, 2006
Steal from government, and you steal from everyone who paid taxes, including yourself.

Why is that not obvious to so many?
on Feb 11, 2006

Why is that not obvious to so many?

What's in it for me?  That is why.  They dont care about anyone but the me.

on Feb 11, 2006
What's in it for me? That is why. They dont care about anyone but the me.

Ah yes, we are the entitlement generation aren't we.
on Feb 11, 2006
It IS the fault of the government. They didn't even do simple checks on most of the applications to see if there was even a residence at the address provided. Or whether the SSN even belonged to a living person. It's just more incompetence by the Bush administration. The money that illegally went to these desperate people pales in comparison to the money wasted on hotel rooms, some at more than $100 a day. They should have found more efficient way to provide temporary housing for these people.
on Feb 11, 2006
The money that illegally went to these desperate people

Desparately scummy people. If you are excusing what these frauds did, you are just as bad as they are Ben.
on Feb 11, 2006
I can hear the whining now: Had FEMA imposed rigid verification checks & made people show up tomorrow or next week or whenever with the proof, we'd be listening to the Ben-types squealing about the unconscionable delays in getting the poor victims the relief they deserved. The whiners just sit back & wait, then bitch about whichever side the feds/Bush erred on. There is no satisfying them; perfection being unattainable in human affairs, they will forever be bitching.
on Feb 11, 2006
I can hear the whining now: Had FEMA imposed rigid verification checks & made people show up tomorrow or next week or whenever with the proof, we'd be listening to the Ben-types squealing about the unconscionable delays in getting the poor victims the relief they deserved. The whiners just sit back & wait, then bitch about whichever side the feds/Bush erred on. There is no satisfying them; perfection being unattainable in human affairs, they will forever be bitching.

I agree with you 100% on this one Daiwa. While the Feds may have been deserving of some criticism hit the hurricanes, I truly think this was a situation where there was no way everyone was going to be happy with the results.

I have a similar outlook on how my parents raised me. Did they do everything right, all the time? Definitely not. But the mistakes they made were the result of good intentions. Now, if I could just get my siblings to agree on that, we'd be much better off.
on Feb 11, 2006
to these desperate people

Please prove that. A link or 2 would be nice
on Feb 12, 2006
Please prove that. A link or 2 would be nice

Dr, are you seriously suggesting the hurricane victims weren't desperate? That's a big call. I don't agree with BenUser - I doubt there's anything the government could have done to improve the spread of funds whilst somehow preventing theft - but I'm prepared to accept that most recipients, even the thieves, could be called desperate.
on Feb 12, 2006
I agree with you 100% on this one Daiwa. While the Feds may have been deserving of some criticism hit the hurricanes, I truly think this was a situation where there was no way everyone was going to be happy with the results.

I totally agree too. It is a total damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

I'm prepared to accept that most recipients, even the thieves, could be called desperate.

I agree the victims of Katrina were desparate but that is no excuse for that sort of thievery. If bogus addresses were being used, how do you even know the thieves were desparate victims of the hurricane rather than merely opportunistic scumbag thieves?