I was recently made aware of the new PC movement to call Christmas trees "Holiday" trees. Oh come on! You don't have to be christian to call it a Christmas tree!
I personally wouldn't buy a "holiday" tree or "holiday tree ornaments". Why are Americans bent on trying to change such well established traditions? I find it interesting that a lot of these people leading this movement are liberal whackos who are always pointing at how much better Europeans do things. Well guess what, Europe has kept traditions that are older than our country. Most of our oldest traditions come from Europe. Why would you want to wipe them out?
I think it is incredibly sad that anyone have to think twice about wishing someone a Merry Christmas. So what if you aren't Christian. You can honor the christian holiday just like you are expecting your faith or lack there of to be honored. What is so bad about a holiday based on wishes of peace on Earth and good will toward man?