The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on November 12, 2008 By JillUser In Blogging

My husband and I were discussing the meaning of the term "tool" as in "you're being a real tool".  I wonder how many people say stuff like that without knowing what the original meaning of the term is.  Have you ever said something and then wondered what it was truly supposed to mean?

We use all sorts of abbreviations all the time too.  I wonder how many people know what RSVP means (probably only those who know French).  Everyone uses it and knows that it is asking for a response but what do the letters stand for? (that's rhetorical since I know the answer).  I bet most don't even spare a thought on the matter.  It's just accepted.

I recently started getting email from a cousin who signs off LOL.  She means Lots of Love.  I automatically think Laugh out Loud which makes no sense in her context.

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on Nov 12, 2008

I wonder how many people know what RSVP means (probably only those who know French).

The first time it appeared in an email, I had to look it up

Somehow it never showed up in any of my business or personnal emails back in France. I sure felt stupid at the time!

on Nov 12, 2008

I have had this happen before. People either use words without knowing the true meaning or make new ones up as they go along. I don't mind abbreviations, but cant stand when people try to apply a new style of talking, as if we don't already have difficulty understanding most teenagers.

on Nov 12, 2008

I wonder how many people know what RSVP means (probably only those who know French).

Yes on both counts.

I usually try to determine the entymology of a word before or shortly after I start using it.  I dont know the tool one.  I have never used it!

on Nov 12, 2008

I dont know the tool one. I have never used it!
  My hubby and I disagreed but ended up both being right.  I looked up the slang definition and it means either 1) Someone who is easily used by others (Brad's definition) or 2) a dick (my definition).

on Nov 12, 2008

I'm with you JillUser - tool = dick. That's the only way I've heard it used as a slang term. Brad's version is for those who speak English right proper.

I always get irked by people who use words like irregardless, that sound good but aren't actually words. The public service is full of it.

on Nov 12, 2008


I dont know the tool one. I have never used it!  My hubby and I disagreed but ended up both being right.  I looked up the slang definition and it means either 1) Someone who is easily used by others (Brad's definition) or 2) a dick (my definition).

Brad is more diplomatic.

on Nov 12, 2008

I always get irked by people who use words like irregardless,

Or "I could care less" - they do not realize what they are saying!

Or "same difference" when comparing 2 things!  Duh!  You need 3 for that to work!

on Nov 12, 2008

I'm with Brad on this one..... and that's the only definition I've ever heard of. 

I use all sorts of wacky slang definitions and phrases and my kids laugh at me about it all the time.  I don't know where they've come from, they just shoot out of my mouth at the opportune moment.  I guess I've picked up stuff from the old timers over the years.  Heck, I think I've become an old timer. 

I remember telling someone that my dog was "dumber than the day is long,"  and my son almost fell off his chair laughing.  He said, where do you get all these sayings? He had never heard that before.  

probably by "hook or by crook" or maybe in China as in comparing anything to  "the price of rice in China."   LOL (laughing out loud). 


on Nov 12, 2008

Yeah, I'm pretty aware of my terms.  I'll look'em up if they don't make sense the first time around...if all else fails, then I use context clues and get a general idea.

I can be quite anal about words too.   Well, in English anyway.  My Spanish probably comes off a little weird at times- not fluent, unfortunately.


on Nov 12, 2008

I think it's funny when people misuse phrases or misspell things they've only ever heard and never seen written (I notice Charles does this a lot, haha...he butchers colloquialisms).  I won't get too high and mighty, though, because I'm guilty too.

I know what "tool" means, though, and I'm surprised some people might not know.  Seems pretty obvious to me!  RSVP I don't remember but I have looked it up before out of curiosity.

on Nov 12, 2008

I can overlook the occasional misspeilling, unless it's some jerk who misspells something while calling me out on a typo. I once had some dolt misspell the word "misspell" in one of those instances. LOL

I've always been something of a word geek so I always know the true meaning, root, and slang meaning of any words I choose to use. Despite what many who read my blog may think I do actually put thought into my writing and I carefully choose my words so as to express exactly what I intend to say (and often hide jokes inside them by choose words with more than one meaning although few actual catch them).

I am often quite amused when someone tries to correct something I have written when it is they who simply don't really understand the words I have used. That doesn't happen often here at JU but does happen quite a lot on other sites. I get more than a modicum of pleasure from showing them to be the fools they are.

Yeah, I'm a tool.

on Nov 12, 2008

Yeah, I'm a tool.
Not the way Brad sees it

on Nov 13, 2008

Or "I could care less" - they do not realize what they are saying!

Or "same difference" when comparing 2 things! Duh! You need 3 for that to work!

How about "I have to dethaw (or unthaw) the fridge"


FYI which where I came from meant F--- you idiot.


the christian lady client i say who said she felt her child was under a demolic influence.


LOL (take it how you like) but seriously, we do use words differently and I believe in order for true communication to occur we have to take time (sometimes) to define what we mean.




on Nov 13, 2008

demolic influence

An Alcoholic demon?

on Nov 13, 2008

I do actually put thought into my writing and I carefully choose my words so as to express exactly what I intend to say


Like here?

and often hide jokes inside them by choose words with more than one meaning although few actual catch them

Sorry Mason, just couldn't resist. I know I am the last person to be correcting spelling mistakes here, even my spell check fails me quite often.

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