The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on October 3, 2008 By JillUser In Politics

I know it's hard to do since most people tuned into the VP debate hoping either one or the other would do well or fall on their face.  Most tuned in having plenty of preconceived notions about the nominees.  But if you can put the partisanship and expectations aside, I think you would see the outcome as more of a draw.

Neither looked like a fool.  Both misspoke at times but there were no huge gaffes that I have heard of.  But people have plenty of influences in their opinions of the outcome.  I still think if you put aside not liking Palin's accent or cute winks and grins or not liking Biden's tightly pursed lips, severe looks and in-your-face hand gestures, you can see that they both stood their ground very well.

They were both very professional.  They were a lot more warm to each other than the presidential nominees for sure.  They both appealed to their bases.

There are so many conditions put on their performances.  All I here is "considering Biden has been in Washington for decades" or "considering this is Palin's first big debate of this nature".  Those things should be irrelevant.  They should be judged on their performance during that 90mins and nothing else.

Biden didn't foam at the mouth and Palin didn't come off as a ditsy beauty queen.  The left saw what they were hoping to see and the same can be said for the right.  You can watch FOX and see that Palin won by 86% or watch CNN and see that Biden won by 57%.

I think Biden did a good job in the debate despite the fact that I have serious disagreements with him.  He was very straight about things I differ from his party on.  He claims it is "clear" that global warming is man made.  He refers to wealth redistribution as "fair" (I call it socialism).  He claims that small businesses won't be affected by their tax plan...80% of small businesses make less than $250k?!  What is he smoking?  But just because I disagree with his stance doesn't mean I think he did badly in the debate.

I like Palin and tend to agree more with their ticket on taxes, bipartisanship and strategy abroad.  My agreement with her stance or the fact that she is very likeable didn't lead me to proclaim she "knocked it out of the park".  I think people who are proclaiming obvious butt kicking from either side are showing their lack of unbiased analysis.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 03, 2008

Tina Fey, hands down.

on Oct 03, 2008

If you had to be stranded on a desert island with only one of the 4 candidates - which would you pick?

Heh, well if we didn't have to talk politics...then I got one in mind.


on Oct 03, 2008

Tina Fey, hands down.

Ock, you're married keep your hands off!  

on Oct 03, 2008

That's something I'd kind of expect to hear out of a pundit/mouthpeice like Rush Limbaugh or Olbermann (against conservatives). The fact that the average voter will make such a broad brushstroke against a civil servant based on wether they have a D or R in thier name is an epidemic. (Not lashing out at you, ID, you just made a really good example of my point. Nothing personal against you for it.)

It's no secret democrats want an income redistribution type system, they really don't even try to hide it anymore.  Biden made that clear last night.  They always advocate a system where people who make over a certain amount must carry the financial burden for everyone else.    What people don't realize is the people they want to tax, are employers, producers, etc.

on Oct 03, 2008

I think Biden did a good job in the debate despite the fact that I have serious disagreements with him.  He was very straight about things I differ from his party on.  He claims it is "clear" that global warming is man made.  He refers to wealth redistribution as "fair" (I call it socialism).  He claims that small businesses won't be affected by their tax plan...80% of small businesses make less than $250k?! 

Ha!  My husband and I talked about these same talking points at length last night as they came up.  Many of my husband's clients as small business owners make about that $250K mark so he was quick to bring that up. 

 We talked about Biden's "fair" as well which isn't "fair" at all. It is most definitely socialism.  How do you figure taking from those who do and give it to those who don't is fair?   E

ven the Scientists can't agree on global warming's source yet he comes out and says it's man-made?  So yes, had a problem with that as well.

I too thought it was a draw.  I actually thought he did a bit better in the beginning and Sarah did better at the end although some may have thought the opposite.  I took pretty good notes as it went along marking their facial expressions.  One thing I noticed was he got a bit agitated or seemingly angry a few times with his voice rising  where she seemed to come across as tongue in cheek and cheerful much of the time. 

He came across much more emotional than she.  She was tough I thought and immoveable.  She's not a pushover. I think that's exactly where she needs to be.  It's ok for Biden to tear up, but had she done so?  It would be over! 

I could definitely see tho, that the "energy" subject is her cup of tea and will probably be what she'll be working on in this administration if the Republicans get elected.  She seems most animated when she talks about energy  than any other subject. 


on Oct 03, 2008

Had you known much about him prior to the debate? I mean had you seen him speak before?

Yes, I lived in Delaware for a couple years.  He came to the base a few times and spoke, and I was familiar with his ads.  It's fair to say I was lukewarm on him, nothing memorable good or bad.  But I never saw him in a debate type setting, on the national level. 

on Oct 03, 2008

ven the Scientists can't agree on global warming's source yet he comes out and says it's man-made?

At least he's trying to pinpoint a reason. Unlike Palin:

"I don't know what caused it, we should just fix it." have to know the cause before you can solve anything.


on Oct 04, 2008

Even I understand what she meant - mitigate the effects if we can, whether it's man-made or not (which it isn't).  You really have your blinders on, Zoo.  You've just got it on for this woman.

on Oct 04, 2008

Even I understand what she meant - mitigate the effects if we can, whether it's man-made or not (which it isn't). You really have your blinders on, Zoo. You've just got it on for this woman.

I know damn well what she meant.  What I mean is: How can you mitigate an effect when you don't know the cause?

Let's have doctors try that and see what happens.  "Hey, buddy looks like you're crying blood.  Not sure what's causing that, but let's just try stuff and see what happens."



on Oct 04, 2008

I must admit, I hoped that Crazy Joe would come out to play.

He did a bit.  The whole NATO thing in southern Lebanon, in fact, that whole rant about protecting Israel he basically made up whole cloth.  I know I wasn't the only one watching who follows the middle east that was shaking their head about his argument that he wanted to get NATO into Lebanon.

I like Biden but he's a total bullshitter. 

Incidentally, Biden is the only Senator still serving who voted against the original Alaskan oil pipeline. You'd think Palin would have known about that.

on Oct 04, 2008

I know damn well what she meant.  What I mean is: How can you mitigate an effect when you don't know the cause?

Well, then why are you and other Democrats in favor of the Kyoto treaty when we don't know the cause of global warming?

on Oct 04, 2008

Let's have doctors try that and see what happens. "Hey, buddy looks like you're crying blood. Not sure what's causing that, but let's just try stuff and see what happens."
That's pretty much what doctors do a good deal of the time.  Do you really think doctors know exactly what is happening to their patients all the time? 

How do you know that "Man did it" isn't a misdiagnosis (to go along with your analogy) and that our subsequent "cure" isn't going to kill us all?  What if all of the measures that we take on the premise of man's CO2 emmisions actually throw the natural balance of things off and make things even worse?  Answer: you don't.

It isn't "clear" that man has caused the warming trends.  Doctors thought it was clear that my sister had RA when she was a kid and would shortly be wheel chair ridden.  She's in her late 30s now and has never been in a wheel chair. 

Palin was saying that we need to do what we can to minimize our impact on the planet but stating that it is proven that man is the cause of global warming is simply wrong.  Noone has proven anything except that there is a global warming trend.

on Oct 04, 2008

I know damn well what she meant.  What I mean is: How can you mitigate an effect when you don't know the cause?

For that matter, why pass a bailout bill if no one can agree on the cause of the current 'financial crisis'?

on Oct 04, 2008

What I mean is: How can you mitigate an effect when you don't know the cause?

We have no clue what causes high blood pressure but we have very effective treatment for it.  You believe we should just let folks with hypertension die of strokes because we 'don't know the cause?'

Get a grip, Zoo.

on Oct 04, 2008


Well, then why are you and other Democrats in favor of the Kyoto treaty when we don't know the cause of global warming?

The Kyoto Treaty reduces our impact on the's a good thing regardless if what we do causes global warming or not.

How do you know that "Man did it" isn't a misdiagnosis (to go along with your analogy) and that our subsequent "cure" isn't going to kill us all? What if all of the measures that we take on the premise of man's CO2 emmisions actually throw the natural balance of things off and make things even worse?

She downplayed the importance of finding the exact cause...when I think that's a pretty important thing to figure out.  I'm leaning towards man made, but I won't declare it is fact because I don't have concrete evidence...just things that seem to lean toward it.  Biden shouldn't have said that with such certainty and he was a fool for being so vehement about it.

For that matter, why pass a bailout bill if no one can agree on the cause of the current 'financial crisis'?

Duh, because money fixes everything!    

I don't think it should've been passed, but that's another matter altogether.

We have no clue what causes high blood pressure but we have very effective treatment for it. You believe we should just let folks with hypertension die of strokes because we 'don't know the cause?'

They can treat it, but never cure it.  You can't solve a problem unless you know the source...sure, you can treat the effects but there's no cure and there's no way to work towards a cure until you find the problem.  That's why we don't have polio or smallpox anymore.

Maybe physiology was the wrong analogy to use...too many exceptions to rules and too many variables.


Then again, maybe it just chaps my hide that people can be satisfied with trying to 'fix' something without ever knowing why it began in the first place...I mean, aren't they even curious and want to explore the reasons why?  I just can't be comfortable with not knowing.


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