The adventures of Mommy woman

Wow, I go on vacation and come home to see all sorts of "stuff" going on here.  It looks as though Mikimouse is gone.  People are commenting left and right that things are getting nasty here.  Sir Peter declares war against the morons.  Wow!

So what is the cause of all of the nastiness?  My husband says I am a calming force in his life.  Maybe I can do the same here.  I just don't even know where to start.

I do see a lot of complaints regarding personal blogs vs blog "journalism".  I think this is an old subject and simply don't understand why anyone cares what is being written about in other people's blogs unless they are named personally.  I do think that people should keep "personal" blogs off the forums.  Likewise goes for any blog that you really don't want people to comment on.  Don't waste our time if you don't want our input.  You are just being a tease if you post to the forum and don't allow comments.

I personally enjoy JU and don't plan to ever leave.  I might not be on here as often as before due to my busy Summer and hopes for getting some sun.  I do enjoy popping in for an occasional quick visit whenever I get a free moment.  I hope people can be real and be civil to one another.  The rest will sort itself out.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jul 07, 2004
we just dispute the existence of anyone named Sir Peter Maxwell, living in the location where you claim to live.....

Until you can provide conclusive proof I think my friends, family and my public can be forgiven for referring to me as Sir Peter Maxwell the English billionaire from Gloucestershire.
on Jul 07, 2004

Now, what was that? "It aint me", bloody idiot.

[moderator hat on]  This is my last warning.  Quit the stupid little squabbles or I will be forced to take action.  Please people, quit acting like middle school children. [moderator hat off]

on Jul 07, 2004
The argument is over, it has degenerated into petty insults which will go on for ever so I will walk away from this discussion for the good of everyone involved. I know karmagirl is a fair person and is obviously warning everybody involved in this little squabble and not just me as that would be a terrible thing to do.

I bid you all good day and wish you well.

on Jul 07, 2004
To get back to Jill: I love the title! I guess Draginol is wrong about reliance on mommyism; it seems it is very much in need inasmuchas individual responsibility is on self destruct--with mommy away--particularly the Maxwellian brats.
on Jul 07, 2004
Ugh, talk about proving "mom's" point... pretty damn shameless, imho.
on Jul 07, 2004

This is giving me a headache.

Guys, repeat to yourselves: This is for fun.

Why are some of you trying to suck the fun out of things for others? This isn't some party where you have to tolerate the presence of others. You can totally avoid other people or ignore them.

And I concede - Stevendedalus is right and I'm wrong, some mommyism is needed.

on Jul 07, 2004

some mommyism is needed.

At this point I think a serious thrashing at the hands of a mod is called for. This is beyond stupid. I don't think this sort of thing will be drawing in many new bloggers or traffic to the site.

on Jul 07, 2004

I am thankful I am not a single mother!

I think you all at least know that I care about our JU family and truly want things to calm down.  Therefore, the naughty children need to go to their rooms for a "time out" and Mom will make some cookies

A bit of advice: the next time something in the blogosphere pisses you off, take a deep breath, count to 10, then ask yourself "is this worth my energy?"  The answer will be "no" more often than not. 

on Jul 07, 2004
With friends like that, who needs enemas? (adds smiley face for Mugz's benefit)

Thanks LW! hehehe...

*Mugz runs off singing lalalalalalalala*

on Jul 07, 2004

stevendedalus, thanks for bringing things back to subject.  I am glad you liked the title.  I missed the Draginol discussion regarding mommyism.

Greywar, I think mommy might have to open a couple of cans of whoop ass soon

on Jul 07, 2004
Clearly, Sir Peter was promoting physical harm or injury against individuals

It is also called vilification.. If he keeps posting things about gasing gays and people with AIDS he is in for a very nasty surprise with the appropriate authorities.

Real or not real, most people arent to know that and he insights hatred and really hurts with his articles. I cant see how this is being allowed on this site.

Sorry Jill to bring this up on your thread.

Im fairly new to this as well and it seems that since I have been here there has been alot of emotions going on, Ive also met some beautiful people like Dharma who has helped me heaps.

Hopefully the fullmoon has gone and all will settle from now on.
on Jul 07, 2004
Pheonixboi: it is beyond belief that you could read the previous few posts and still come out of the blue and bitch about Sir Peter.

Dunno about mommyism... bt if someone wants to give me admin status and the ban button I can have this problem fixed in about 2 minutes, with casualites on BOTH sides. Enough is enough. Now STFU and let JillU have her thread back.
on Jul 07, 2004
Pheonixboi: it is beyond belief that you could read the previous few posts and still come out of the blue and bitch about Sir Peter

Bakerstreet sorry but I hadnt seen the last few posts they must have come in before I posted, and Jill sorry again for that.

People really have to understand that this is the internet and it is not just confined to our loungerooms there is a wide audience out there of real people with real feelings and emotions and just because most seem to be hiding behind masks of nic names doesntmean what they are saying doesnt hurt, joke or no joke.

Yeah I agree with Dragnol this is supposed to be fun but when the slander and threats come out then it needs to be taken seriously.
on Jul 07, 2004
If you don't like what people have to say, don't read their blogs. If you have a "real" problem, email the powers that be. If they don't administrate the site to suit you, find another site. How is this so complicated?

Sir Peter is... well... Sir Peter. I'm not sure how you guys overlook the billionaire aristocratic stuff and then get soooooo upset when he says something you don't like. Geez, in for a penny, in for a pound. I think if you take any of it with a grain of salt, you ougghta take it all that way.

If this were a workplace or a playground you people would know exactly what to do. I call for an immediate cease-fire and suggest the banning of the next person that starts something.

"Don't start no sh*t, there won't be no sh*t", to quote the urban vernacular... though I'd take it a step further and say don't entertain any sh*t at all, whether somone else started it or not.
on Jul 07, 2004

This too shall pass.

That's all I have to say about that.

For now, though, we should keep the matches out of the reach of the children and make sure there are plenty of fire extinguishers around.

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