The adventures of Mommy woman

I caught a couple of minutes of The View unintentionally today.  My toddler got ahold of the clicker and there was Joy Behar spewing her idiocy.  I can't believe she gets paid to say the things she says!

She was talking about how the rich shouldn't get tax cuts.  Whoopi Goldberg was actually trying to talk some sense but was getting shouted over by the brainless redhead.  She's supposed to be a comedienne but the only thing funny about her is that she thinks what she says makes sense and that people should agree with her.

She says that it isn't fair that rich people get tax cuts.  I say it isn't fair that she, having half the brain of the average person, get paid to go on TV.  Life ain't fair.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 08, 2008

Life ain't fair period!  She needs to grow up and get a brain! 

While I think she's entitled to her opinion,    her expressing it simply shows how prejudiced she is!

Someone is an heir to a fortune?  So what?   someone worked their tush off to get the lifestyle they want?  So what?  Someone bought a lottery ticket and won?   So what?   Life isn't fair,   and her immaturity is showing,   badly!

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