The adventures of Mommy woman
Published on January 8, 2008 By JillUser In Life Journals

I'm 37 yrs old and just got my first ticket.  Was it for doing 100mph down the highway in a sports car?  No, it was for going 35mph in a 30mph zone in my mini van.

The officer was very nice and looked to be about 10yrs my junior.  He asked me if I knew why he pulled me over and I honestly told him I unfortunately did not.  He told me I was going 5mph over the limit and asked if I had any tickets on my record.  I told him I had a very clean record and then he took my license and spent what seemed like a very long time in his car with it.

While officer nice young man (and I mean that sincerely) was checking out my license, I fielded a million questions from my kids.  I told them that I was driving too fast and should have been paying attention.  It was my fault and the officer was just doing his job.  The little one was worried I'd go to jail and the older one just wondered how much the ticket would cost.

When the officer returned, he handed me my ticket and explained that although it was normally a 45mph zone, the school zone sign was lit (even though school had beed dismissed for an hour by then) and that he was giving me a break by not noting that it was 5 over in a school zone.  He appreciated my clean record and said otherwise it would have doubled the $115 fine. 

The officer then explained the ticket, how to pay it and offered to give me the information in order to contest it in court.  I told him that wouldn't be necessary since I was at fault.  I told him I was obviously a mother and should have been paying more attention.  He then surprised me by saying "Hey, even I've done the same.  But I have to enforce the law for safety sake."

I quickly had thoughts of how it seems the cops never catch the drivers that are truly driving dangerously but just as quickly appreciated the wake up call.  I'm mad whenever I see someone speed through a neighborhood or school zone.  I was at fault and got a ticket.  21 yrs of driving was a good run.  How long do points stay on your record?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 10, 2008

Hey...21 years without a ticket is an awesome feat.
Thanks.  And that wasn't because I didn't drive much.  I drive pretty much every single day.  I just had bad luck catch up with me I guess.  At least it wasn't a car accident.

I don't have a ticket on my record right now, but I don't drive that much. And since I said that, I am pretty much guaranteed to get one in the near future.
Yep, that's usually the kiss of death

Yeah, looking back on it, especially after talking to my friend who's a state cop, the guy was being a wanker.  The general concensus is that he was a new cop all stoked about getting a bunch of tickets under his belt.  He certainly could have just given me a warning considering my excellent record.  Oh well.


on Jan 10, 2008
Hey, for all he knows you have that excellent record due to other cops letting you off with a warning.
on Jan 10, 2008
Hey, for all he knows you have that excellent record due to other cops letting you off with a warning.

I told him it was only the 2nd time in my life I had been pulled over. Whether he believed me or not is another thing. I was very respectful, genuine and made a very minor violation. I didn't cry or make excuses. I sure got rewarded! If it ever happens again I'm going to bawl my eyes out
on Jan 10, 2008
oh man... for 5 over!  I usuallly drive at the 5 over limit.  Except in my neighborhood, as I don't have sidewalks and you'll often find the kids riding or walking in the streets.  You know... you could go to court and just get the points removed.  Tell them the same thing you've told us, "you're sorry, you were wrong", but because you have such a clean record you were hoping to pay the fine, and have the points removed.  A friend of mine did that once, and it she was able to have the points removed.  A cop told me once that if you've had a clean record for at least 7 years, you could go to court and have the points dismissed pretty easily. (that was in Brownstown though).  Oh... points for speeding stay on for about 3 years, and insurance will go up on next renewal.  It's a pain really.  I believe accidents stay on longer.
on Jan 10, 2008
jpkylegirl is laughing.  Just after I posted the above, I looked to the right where the google ads are.  The first one said "First time traffic offenders  Get your ticket dismissed in court now".  LOL!  
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