I admit to being an over protective parent. I thought I had found a reliable babysitter that my kids really enjoy. I was wrong.
This weekend we had a family event. During the festivities, we got a message to call home immediately. Apparently the babysitter felt ill and either she or her boyfriend who was there at the time decided it was neccessary to call 911. In the meantime, while waiting for the EMS to arrive, these 19 or older adults decided to send my 7 and 3yr old sons out by themselves, in the dark to search for a neighbor to take care of them.
Our nearest neighbors were at the event with us and had instructed their babysitters, who were able to follow instructions, to not let anyone in or out. Therefore, my poor little guys couldn't get anyone to answer the door so they luckily had the sense to return home. This little event was not found out until the next day when my son and neighbor girl were discussing the events of that evening.
Oh, and to make matters worse, we were having some of the scariest weather we have had in some time.
When we spoke to the sitter's boyfriend when we called from the party, he said the paramedics said she just needed to rest up. My mother-in-law had planned to spend the night after attending the party so she left early to relieve the sitter. She didn't get any answers from them as to what exactly happened.
I finally got to talk to the sitter late the next evening. She said she now believes she may have had food poisoning and had felt like throwing up (but didn't) and was shaky. Now, maybe it is just me, but I can't for the life of me see how those symptoms warranted calling 911. She had no explaination of why they sent my children out in the night by themselves.
She had to return yesterday to pick up her vehicle (boyfriend drove her home). She was supposed to come in the house, retrieve other items she left here and I was going to pay her for that evening and talk to her. Apparently she didn't want to face me because she and boyfriend took off with the vehicle without coming to the house.
I am totally boggled by her behavior. I am very dissappointed because she seemed like such a good kid. Good student, kids like her, etc. She has just gotten really weird lately. She even totally forgot to show up to babysit for another occasion the week before.
Does this sound like drug use? Depression maybe? She is going through a lot of family problems right now. She sounds like she has no direction and is not currently capable of good decision making. Guess I have to find and break in a new sitter